Zach Zono, a self-taught painter based in London, originates from Cape
Town, South Africa. His expansive abstract paintings serve as densely
layered reflections on memory, the body, and nature. Zono's fascination
with color, form, and personal experiences is intricately woven into each
canvas, resulting in complex and distinctive composition.

Executed during a one-month residency in Bangkok, Thailand, this
exhibition encapsulates Zono's immersive experience in the vibrant city.
By day, he roamed the streets of Bangkok, drawing inspiration from the
intricacies of everyday life. As night fell, Zono would embark on a
journey, applying and removing layers of oil paint. This process not only
mirrored the city's pulsating energy but also transformed his work into a
considerate meditation on the sensation of memory.

Zono's exploration of Bangkok's cultural landscape is evident in his
incorporation of the vivid colours associated with Thai beliefs. These
hues become a vital element of the exhibition, infusing the collection
with a harmonious blend of his South African roots and the vibrant
influences of Thailand.

The exhibition is titled "Is One Thing Better Than Another," and it
focuses on the central themes of Zono's work. It invites viewers to think
about duality and how we perceive things subjectively. By exploring
these philosophical ideas, the exhibition encourages people to
reconsider their preconceived notions and question binary thinking. This
prompts a deeper reflection on individual perspectives and biases.